Buddy Check 2


Elizabeth Meringer

Name of Reviewer: ______________________________________

Nicole Hickey



Name of Site Author: _____________________________________


  1. Comment on Home Page effectiveness. Is the home page effective?  Do the graphics engage the user? Do they reinforce the site’s objectives? Is an overarching question or purpose evident when first entering the site. If a splash page is used, does it add value to the site. Do the graphics and layout draw you in? Is there any addition or change that would improve the page in these areas?

The homepage is well developed and informative for me to understand what this website contains and how to use the information effectively. The graphic works well with the layout of the page. The font is large and clear making it easy for me to read. I find that the topic “nonfiction” is excellent, however I might have narrowed it down to have the students pin point the purpose of the website.


  1. Comment on home page cognitive effect. Are site objectives clear? Based only on the home page, give a brief description of the sites objectives and purpose are. Is the content written in clear, concise, and age appropriate language? Is an attempt made to relate to user interests and goals. Is that effective? What changes would improve the home pages effectiveness in these areas?

I find that the objective of this website is for the students to use various tools to determine the meaning of Nonfiction. The students have many resources accessible to help them interpret Nonfiction. I suggest making the objectives more clear and direct on the homepage.


  1. Comment on the Learning Activities included in this site. Do they closely relate to the site’s objectives and audience? Are they easy to locate? What do you feel are the requisite skills that must be addressed in order to reach the objective? Are activities developed to build on prior skills? Are they scaffolded to lead learners from basic to advanced skills? Will examples or a model be included? Would this benefit the site or be unnecessary?

The Learning Activities are suitable for the main idea. Each lesson portrays a different aspect of a nonfiction story. However, the objectives could have been more clear and descriptive. All the lessons are created to guide the student to the final project. The students are definitely building up on skills in order to lead up to their final presentation. An example or model I find would help the students especially to guide the students to understand what the teacher is looking for.  Unfortunately, I was unable to access the Box and Bullet organizer due to restrictions on google.


  1. Comment on the Activity/Process of this site. Is each step of the process stated clearly and accurately defined? Are they sequenced so that so that needed knowledge/skills would logically be acquired by the user? Are directions accurate, explicit, clearly stated, and written in age-appropriate language. Does this site include references to an example or model? Would doing so improve the process? As a user of the site, give feedback as to improving directions or other verbiage.


The activity/process of the site is well-develop, however due to lack of objectives, I am unsure of what the student’s tasks are. I saw at the end of the lessons that there were tasks for the students to complete. I suggest a model or an example as to what the teacher is looking for the students to complete.


  1. Comment on the effectiveness of the site relating to desired outcomes. Are outcomes clearly stated. Is this done is a way that users will readily understand? Are outcomes closely related to learning objectives and activities. Do desired outcomes build from basic to more advanced?


There is a good amount of substance in the lessons, yet no actual activities for the students to practice their skills with. There are many graphic organizer links, yet they were the same color and font as the body of the text making it difficult to find.  I also tried to open the graphic organizers, and unfortunately was unable to do so (it might be my computer not being compatible).


  1. Comment on the evaluation instruments included in this site. Are evaluation tools easy to find? Is the language used clear and appropriate to the audience? Is evaluation criteria specific and easy to interpret? Are there additions or changes that would aide you as a learner? Are there alternate evaluation tools that might benefit you as a learner?


It is hard for me to provide an opinion on the evaluation instruments since I do not know what the students are being evaluated on and how.  I see Lesson 4 has a series of tasks for the student to complete that sum up the past three lessons, yet there is no evidence to support how the teacher will assess the student(s). There are plenty of helpful links and resources for the students.